A creative Studio based in Brooklyn

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Our All-Star Team

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Maximilian Wagner


Alexander Schmidt

Head of Studio

Sophie Schulz

Executive Producer

Maria Schulz

Executive Producer

Emilia Stein


Paul Schreiber

Post Producer

Louis Martin

Post Producer

Anna Schwarz

Art Director

Elias Klein

Lead VFX

Felix Koch

Lead Compositor / Colorist

Hannah Hoffmann

Lead Environment

Mia DuPont

Assistant Post-Producer


Let's cooperate!

You are welcome to contact us for more information regarding any of our products or services at any time.

We realize your ideas

Your every need or idea is our pleasure and we enjoy the realization process, while satisfied customers are our motto.

Web solutions compatible for all types of devices

Our premium product designs are compatible when opened or presented on any web-enabled device.

Speed is what we are known for !

We design web solutions that are fast and easy to use by each of your potential buyers/clients.

+389 75/222-358
